Two New #Blackmysteries Launching Within the Coming Weeks

Just a general heads up since we’re talking about Black women writing mysteries–per my last post on Tracy Clark. We have two pieces coming up in the first two months of 2023 (that I am aware of now).

Patricia Sargeant is writing as Olivia Matthews in another new series centered around baking pastries with a West Indian flare down to the Brooklyn streets. The first book in the series is Against the Currant: A Spice Isle Bakery Mystery. It’s due out January 24th, with a follow-up called Hard Dough Homicide coming in May 2023. So Matthews is not playing, honey. And I live for the back-to-back releases. Matthews is coming for the cozy field, as it appears this new series will share in all its West Indian culture and flavor. 

As a matter of fact, culture and taste were two things I found missing in the first book of her previous series. I have yet to read the second book, but I hope to get to it soon. In the meantime, I’m looking forward to Matthew’s new (dare I say “daring”) series. Many times authors such as Matthews have to either remove or water down cultural references and themes in their work. So this is Matthew saying to the cozy field: NOT TODAY, SATAN. NOT TODAY! That aside, my pre-order is in. Read Matthew’s Sister Lou series if you can.

Author Patricia Raybon is back with her 1920s historical fiction-themed series featuring ex-college professor Annalee Spain. Double the Lies will release on February 7th of 2023. Despite my flurry of criticisms about the first book, I look forward to buying this one upon release. 

And such a treat this series is because you hardly EVER find a mystery series that takes place in the flapper days with a black woman in the lead. Like, NEVER. Go to the bookstore and see what I’m talking about! Anyway, how absolutely BOLD this cover is. The feeling I get knowing Raybon and Annalee Spain is COMING for the girls this season does my heart good. Can’t wait to get my hands on this one, too. With, of course, the hopes the author improves on her plotting and not rely on traditional mystery tropes to tell her story.

Tracy Clark's New Series Book Release Has Arrived

“When a young red-haired woman is found brutally murdered in downtown Chicago, one detail stands out: the red lipstick encircling her wrists and ankles.

Detective Harriet Foster is on the case, even though she’s still grieving the sudden death of her partner. As a Black woman in a male-dominated department, Foster anticipates a rocky road ahead acclimating to a new team―and building trust with her new partner isn’t coming easily.

After another victim turns up with the same lipstick markings, Foster suspects she’s looking for a serial killer. Through a tip from a psychiatrist, Foster learns about Bodie Morgan: a troubled man with a twisted past and a penchant for pretty young redheads with the bluest eyes. As Foster wades into Morgan’s sinister history, the killer continues their gruesome assault on Chicago’s streets.

In her desperate race to catch the murderer before they strike again, Foster will have to confront the darkest of secrets―including her own.”

Unfortunately, 2022 didn’t bless us with another Cass Raines book from mystery writer Tracy Clark. I suppose it’s still being determined if the series will be complete (looks like Clark changed publishers or something) after the fourth book, Runner, was released in the summer of 2021. Cass Raines was one of few private investigator black woman characters in the overall genre; naturally, I have concerns about whether she should vacate the field. Nevertheless, Cass’s “mother,” Tracy Clark, is launching in 2023 with a new series featuring a new character/voice in the form of a Black woman detective named Harriet Foster. Apparently, Tracy Clark is shifting from the private eye to the law enforcement narrative. And guess what? I’m down for the ride! I just got my newly released copy of Harriet Foster’s first book, Hide. With–and get this–with the second book in the series (Fall) releasing later this year in December.

Now the issue is pulling myself out of a jagged reading slump to reclaim all the readings that I… well… I’ll stop here…

Regardless, I always show my support by buying books and going from there. I am a borderline book hoarder at this point. But I forgot to care.

Happy New (NEW) Release, Tracy Clark. Detective Harriet Foster is officially here. (Though I still want to know what is the future of Cass Raines.)

For more on Cass Raines and author Tracy Clark, click on the Labels below!

An Anita Blake Limited Edition Lot Find I REFUSED to Leave Behind

Okay. Okay. Okay. So, Anita Blake and I have beefed back and forth for years. I stopped reading the series for a few years, jumped back on, stopped again, and recently decided to jump back on to catch up on Blake’s (and Hamilton’s) latest offering with 2020’s Sucker Punch and 2021’s Rafael. I had some deep, ripping issues with 2018’s Serpentine; I welcome you to find the video in which I shared my concerns.

Nevertheless, my continuing to read Hamilton on and off is driven chiefly by the state of nostalgia her work generates. Summer of 2007. Just discovering how the urban fantasy/action woman stories stretched outside Buffy meant everything during that time. Not to mention how incredible the first nine Anita Blake books were (though I’ve gradually become accustomed to the tone change after book nine).

Anyway, enough of that. These omnibus limited book club editions of the first ten books have always had the most fabulous covers (I particularly love the rendering of Blake on Club Vampyre; Luis Royo is the artist behind all four). I’ve always wanted these books. To me they capture the absolute best of Blake during all her early-to-late 90’s glory days of vampire hunting and zombie raising. Also, as a fan of 80’s horror and specifically Night of the Comet, they just look freakin’ desirable. The original mass market covers featuring character renderings are my favorite as well. 

Nonetheless, when you attempt to purchase these rare books online through resellers, you need to know what condition they will actually arrive in. That has been my biggest hesitation. 

So despite the blistering negative-something-degrees cold this Friday before Christmas, I was going to have a day out to myself and made it to 2nd & Charles after a Walmart run. And mannnnn, was I shocked to find all four of these rare Anita Blake omnibus books on the shelf in GREAT condition. Did they come from someone’s estate collection? Or did somebody’s partner make a spiteful-ass move on an ex and gave this collection away as a getback. They have obviously been read, but were well taken care for. Even down to the freakin’ dust-jackets’ spines being virtually trauma less. Regardless, there was no way I would overlook this opportunity. Whether I’m beefing with Anita Blake or not.

They were grabbed. They were paid for. They were brought to my collection with little hesitation. Maybe after fifteen years it’s time to reread the early Anita books…

#FridayReads ~ More Carolyn G. Hart Despite a "Break"

“A group of Christie buffs. . .In honor of Agatha Christie’s one hundredth birthday, mystery bookstore owner Annie Laurance Darling plans a week-long celebration of mystery, treasure hunts, title clues, and Christie trivia. Yet even as the champagne is chilling and the happy guests begin arriving on Broward’s Rock Island, Annie feels a niggling sense of doom. But the last thing she or her guests expect is that the scheduled fun and mayhem will include a real-life murder. The unexpected arrival of Neil Bledsoe, the most despised book critic in America, was sure to raise a few hackles. An advocate of hard-boiled detection and gory true crime, Bledsoe drops a bombshell on the devoted Christie assemblage: He’s penning a scurrilous biography of the grand dame of suspense herself. Before the first title clue is solved, no less than two attempts are made on Bledsoe’s life. Now Annie and her unflappable husband, Max Darling, find themselves trying to stop a murder in the making-only the first corpse isn’t the one they’re expecting. . .and it isn’t the last.”


Now, see, I told my ass this: “Don’t you pick up another Death on Demand book and ruin your appetite for them with the fourth book read in a row.” My intention was to read within a different series or genre. To get out from underneath Carolyn G. Hart’s fantastic cozy series for a hot minute. And, well, knock some of these unread titles off my shelves before this latest package of books arrive tomorrow (YIKES). Yet, the work week was finished. The rain was pouring. The coffee was brewing. Listen, everything in life was in order for some more familiar, cozy mystery reading. Thus, here arrives The Christie Caper by Carolyn G. Hart (Death on Demand #7).

So I’m already fifty pages into the book and loving it. Wholly absorbed in all matters (from personal to mysterious) stacked within this entry. I’m still getting to know the suspicious characters, as Hart does a great job of putting at least five or six of them in a room to see who behaves in whichever way to get readers to “know” them. And the apparent–though not quite yet established as such–victim is particularly spirited and nasty this go’round. But on the other hand, the main protagonist, Annie, remains pleasant and inviting as our central guide to the mystery. The same can be said for the side characters.

Anyway, this book puts an evident and strictly specific emphasis on its references to Agatha Christie and her works. Every other page does some job in ensuring not to lead readers away from that focus and how much these references operate as clues as well. But by book seven, readers will already have established that Agatha Christie is highly revered and favored by Carolyn G. Hart. So it was only a matter of time before she would draw up a mystery and cast centered around an Agatha Christie convention. And the “draw up” is dedicated and fierce in this entry.

I have yet to indulge in much of Christie’s work to get Hart’s references, but I’m here for Hart all weekend long as is.

Happy #FridayReads

Reading some Death on Demand by Carolyn G. Hart

Carolyn G. Hart’s Honeymoon with Murder and A Little Class on Murder are books numbers four and five of her award-winning Death on Demand series. Death on Demand itself is a mystery-themed bookstore on a South Carolina island called Boward’s Rock. The store is run by a woman named Annie Laurance, who becomes Annie Darling per her eventual marriage to her beau, Max. Nonetheless, as a mystery bookstore owner, Annie is deeply dedicated to everything surrounding the mystery genre–so she knows her stuff. A cast of supporting characters are there as well with equal appreciation for loving and conversing about mystery books. As readers, we are privy to much of these conversations about various mysteries and the authors who write them. Blended so well into the overall narrative, you, the reader, suddenly find yourself intrigued by anecdotal information on, say, Agatha Christie and/or Ross MacDonald. The list is endless.

Meanwhile, the author is telling and selling you a great murder mystery with all the operating components that make these books cozy. Yet, they are so, so much more. For one, they are apt and sharper than many nowadays cozies I’ve read that seem to prioritize lunacy and love triangles as the standard. Secondly, while some primary and supporting cast may annoy me sometimes, Hart delivers humor/comedy like the pro she is. I sometimes run across cozies where authors need to learn how nuance lands a comedic moment. Or lack the ability to put some intelligence behind comedy to keep it from selling eye-rolls and cringe page after page. As a matter-of-fact, I think “nuance” is the correct term to describe Hart’s ability, because outside notes of humor her characters simply come off the page to me. I respect it; Carolyn G. Hart won multiple awards for a freakin’ reason.

This all aside, I list three things that keep me returning to this series (aside from Hart’s ability to plot).

1. I’ve entirely warmed up to Hart’s duo, Annie and Max. I mention this because I typically wouldn’t like the way romances are handled in cozy mysteries–especially those that insist on beginning a romance with a love triangle. Nevertheless, earlier in the series I thought Annie was rude; her and I didn’t exactly click. In contrast, Max got on my nerves as the designated love interest in many cozy series. The further into the series I read, the further my view of the two changed. 

I like the two of them together. Annie comes across as a lot more clever and quick than abrasive and prickly, with Max as her sort of “buffer” to her reactionary moments. And Max is full-on in his role as her just as clever detective companion (and, yes, husband). They are different in personalities (and diets), but compatible because of this. Where Annie goes hot, Max goes cool. Also, it works for me because while I can tell Hart loves writing about their romance, she is nowhere near as over-prioritizing it to sell her fantasy to readers. Now that’s the stuff that gets on my nerves in cozies nowadays. This seemingly desperate need for the author to sell a romance fantasy above the mystery.

2. I also like how Hart carefully (but unafraid) blends mystery elements over all areas of her storytelling–because she genuinely loves reading mysteries. For example, Annie operates as a traditional cozy amateur sleuth. Meanwhile, Max is much like a gumshoe. So Hart likes to take all her mystery bites.

I love how Hart tops layer after layer to her stories with infused references to various mystery authors and her love of mysteries in general! These references litter every corner of Hart’s books! With Hart, I keep sticky tabs and constantly pause to look up and e-cart different books and authors’ work that I had yet to hear of or have yet to get to within my own library. So Hart’s clues go beyond what’s presented in the actual plot, as they are also seen in character’s behavior, settings, and featured in dialogue as references from classic mystery novels. It’s the readers role to guess how close do those reference clues to real authors/works lean on the internal clues seen in the plot.

3. Another thing I appreciate in the Death on Demand series are the various lists and diagrams presented to the readers through the characters. It was almost as if the reading experience was breaking the fourth wall. We got to peek into all the “notes” Hart created to plot and bring characters/suspects out to the mystery itself. In essence, Hart lets the readers in on how she draws characters/suspect backgrounds and how each prerequisite motive puts each in first place to be the possible killer. So as Annie and Max are making notes surrounding the case, we, readers, are privy to them right off. As a mystery lover, it makes me freakin’ study.

As of writing this, I’ve read three of these books in a row. I am now at book #7, The Christie Caper. However, I’m going to take a break and switch things up before diving further into this series. Why? To keep from burnout!

Should a Jordan Fan Read Fallon?

Lately, all this talk about Robert Jordan has put me in the mood to check out that one copy of his Reagan O’Neal Fallon books my library has to offer. While I’ve always seen/hear about these books, reading Michael Livingston’s Origins of the Wheel of Time laid out the story as to how this trilogy of books came to be. However, the question is how worth it for Wheel readers to take on Jordan’s Historical Fiction offerings?

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