New Book Release Alert

Of courseeeeeeeeee, J. D. Robb’s new release, Encore in Death, would be on this list. Of course, chile. Of course. Nevertheless, Eve Dallas’ latest case has us readers falling into the cyanide poisoning affair of the husband of a celebrity couple. Now, anybody who is familiar with me know I can hardly stand mysteries involving celebrities, film sets, actors, so on. But if anybody can sell and deliver me on such a setup, it’s J. D. Robb.

Second, our Patricia Raybon is back with her second Annalee Spain Mystery, Double the Lies. So off to the 1920s we go to solve another mystery with our professor.

Quick Reading Check-In on In Death Series…

I’m between courses now and decided to spend the week catching up on one of my top favorite fictional cops, Eve Dallas.  Undressing this series requires no undressing.  I’ve been talking about this series for years and, until book fifty-one, Shadows in Death, thought I was about to take a break from reading the books.  But why?  Shadows came out back in September, and since then I’ve tried four times to get through page number three in the book.  Something seemed off to the point where I could never find myself able.  Very seldom does an In Death book not hook from page one till the end.  Weird stumble, indeed.  I took it as a sign that I may just need to take a break from the series.

Until I waltz into my library’s used bookstore and saw a copy of Robb’s recently release, Faithless in Death, sitting on a display for $5.  There was absolutely no way I was going to pass that up.  It was a clearer sign.  And I took it and ran with it.

As I write this, I’m ninety pages away from the end of Faithless in Death.  I’m super happy I took on both books this past week.  I’m still crazy about this series, after all.  Yes, thirteen years and over fifty books and short stories later.

Once I wrap Faithless in Death, I’m going to put this bookshelf together to house all my In Death books (which, naturally, I own them all).  I’ve been moving books around on my shelves as new books come in, and some of the real estate surrounding my In Death books ate a chunk of that space.  So, some adjustments were necessary.

What can I say?  I’m loyal to the series.  The books need their own bookshelf.  It’s that many books.  And it’s that serious.

Another J. D. Robb Golden in Death Pre-Order UPDATE

Did you guys get this email from St. Martin’s Press regarding a pre-order bonus consisting of a necklace?  Oh yeah, in celebration of Golden in Death, book #50 in J. D. Robb’s In Death series!  If not, let me share the images (thanks to St. Martin’s Press for the download ease of them) as well as the link where you can grab one for yourself.  This is really neat, though.

According to the email, it’s:

In anticipation of Golden in Death , J.D. Robb’s 50th In Death book, St. Martin’s Press partnered up with Swarovski® to create a necklace that’s as iconic as the series’ kick-ass detective, Lieutenant Eve Dallas. This special, limited-edition necklace features Swarovski® crystals and was inspired by Roarke’s beautiful gift to Eve, The Giant’s Tear, and her NYPD badge, as pictured below.”

You can pre-order the set of Golden in Death along with the necklace, exclusively HERE ON BOOKPALS’ WEBSITE.

Golden in Death releases February 4th, 2020!

A Bit of Cool J. D. Robb News I HAVE to Share…

Soooooo I got this email Friday from St. Martin’s Press Marketing.  What did it say?  Well, it confirmed that my photo/selfie was selected for the mosaic image that’ll be featured inside the dust jacket flap of J. D. Robb’s 50th In Death release, Golden in Death.  I had to kind of stand there for a minute (as I was rushing to an appointment with a Snicker bar in mouth) to let this bit of excitement soak in.  My picture–as a dedicated fan of Robb’s Eve Dallas In Death series–will be inside of Golden in Death’s dust jacket with a slew of other fans.  And it’ll be only a few weeks before my birthday when the book is released.  I could have passed out at the news, but went chattering about it to a lady in the waiting room.  Between excited chews of my Snicker’s bar, of course.

Wait.  So they picked mine?  For real?

Seriously, despite losing someone incredibly special (mainly another mother) to me this year, cool things keep happening in 2019.  Back-to-back, dude.  With more on the horizon, so stay tuned.

So, wow.  This is something so neat that it’ll take me a minute to soak in.  Eleven years reading this series and a photo of me will be plastered somewhere inside of the 50th (an incredible number for a book series as is) book’s dust jacket.  Like… for forever!  That’s wilddddddd!


Keep encouraged and keep glowing, people.  You know you’re doing pretty good when good things keep coming at you.  

Stay blessed and receive whatever good comes your way!

Some In Death J. D. Robb Eve Dallas STUFF

I must’ve put my name, email address, and home address down somewhere recently. I got this neat-o supreme-o In Death/Eve Dallas/J. D. Robb t-shirt in the mail the other day. Along with the cute Connections in Death Pop Out Christmas Tree ornaments. I kept trying to wrack my brain on any recent activities I’ve participated in about my fave, J. D. Robb. Anyway, super surprised and super gleeful. And, most of all, I’m ready for Connections in Death. Though I rather live in the present and not press the future, February 5th seems too far away for its release. UGHHHHHHHHHHHH! Waiting is a BITCH! Equally stressful now that I know the following book is titled Vendetta in Death. And we won’t see that one until September 2019!

By the way. The books featured in the image DID NOT COME WITH THE SHIRT. LOL. Wanted to make that clear. I ordered the hardbacks from Turn the Page Bookstore earlier this year. I placed them here for decorative… or… festive… purposes…?

So thanks to the publishers St. Martin’s Press. J. D. Robb. And my girl, Eve Dallas.

“Homicide cop Eve Dallas and her billionaire husband, Roarke, are building a brand-new school and youth shelter. They know that the hard life can lead kids toward dangerous crossroads―and with this new project, they hope to nudge a few more of them onto the right path. For expert help, they hire child psychologist Dr. Rochelle Pickering―whose own brother pulled himself out of a spiral of addiction and crime with Rochelle’s support. 

Lyle is living with Rochelle while he gets his life together, and he’s thrilled to hear about his sister’s new job offer. But within hours, triumph is followed by tragedy. Returning from a celebratory dinner with her boyfriend, she finds Lyle dead with a syringe in his lap, and Eve’s investigation confirms that this wasn’t just another OD. After all his work to get clean, Lyle’s been pumped full of poison―and a neighbor with a peephole reports seeing a scruffy, pink-haired girl fleeing the scene. 

Now Eve and Roarke must venture into the gang territory where Lyle used to run, and the ugly underground world of tattoo parlors and strip joints where everyone has taken a wrong turn somewhere. They both believe in giving people a second chance. Maybe even a third or fourth. But as far as they’re concerned, whoever gave the order on Lyle Pickering’s murder has run out of chances…”


A Lovely–AND Early–Surprise

Should I feel guilty for buying a copy of J. D. Robb’s latest In Death book, Brotherhood in Death, early?  Hell, no.  I doubt my early contribution will stop her from stomping the New York Times Bestseller list.  So here I am, with Tuesday’s (2/2/2016) release of Brotherhood in Death already in my hands.  Thanks to which employee works at my local Kroger’s.  Cheers.  And keep up the “good” and “persistent” work.

Summary of Brotherhood in Death via Amazon:

Sometimes brotherhood can be another word for conspiracy. . .  

Dennis Mira just had two unpleasant surprises. First he learned that his cousin Edward was secretly meeting with a real estate agent about their late grandfather’s magnificent West Village brownstone, despite the promise they both made to keep it in the family. Then, when he went to the house to confront Edward about it, he got a blunt object to the back of the head. 

Luckily Dennis is married to Charlotte Mira, the NYPSD’s top profiler and a good friend of Lieutenant Eve Dallas. When the two arrive on the scene, he explains that the last thing he saw was Edward in a chair, bruised and bloody. When he came to, his cousin was gone. With the mess cleaned up and the security disks removed, there’s nothing left behind but a few traces for forensics to analyze. 

As a former lawyer, judge, and senator, Edward Mira mingled with the elite and crossed paths with criminals, making enemies on a regular basis. Like so many politicians, he also made some very close friends behind closed—and locked—doors. But a badge and a billionaire husband can get you into places others can’t go, and Eve intends to shine some light on the dirty deals and dark motives behind the disappearance of a powerful man, the family discord over a multimillion-dollar piece of real estate . . . and a new case that no one saw coming.

 A great treat to end January and START February…

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